How to Tell if a Designer Bag is Fake

How to Tell if a Designer Bag is Fake

Counterfeit designer bags are a multi-billion dollar business and the victims are not limited to the buyer and manufacturer. Monies gathered from this crime may be used for other criminal activity. A limited number of ways exist to ensure authenticity with 100 percent certainty, but these tips can help you better tell if a designer bag is fake or the real deal.

Things You'll Need:

Internet access or

Access to original designer bag

Camera (optional)


Know that it is legal to create a product that looks like a designer bag as long as no trademark violations, including the designer logo, are present and a proper representation exists. Ethical sellers will not price or pass these imitations off as originals but may state a product is “inspired by” a certain designer. Imitations such as these are easy to spot for the design and craftsmanship is visibly different.


Learn about the company behind the designer bag to more easily tell if a designer bag is fake. A couture bag claimed to be sold at a discounted price as a promotion, for example, may conflict with the designer's strict pricing policy. With a little background knowledge on the brand, inconsistencies will reveal themselves that eliminate the possibility that a designer handbag is authentic.


Examine a confirmed authentic designer bag at the store, optimally, and learn more through ads or photos and/or brand enthusiast forums. The information will help you more readily tell if a designer bag is fake. Yet, know that even longtime experts may be fooled when the craftsmanship is superior.


Carefully examine the designer bag. Be sure to confirm that the logo is an exact match, and there are no subtle or major changes exist with the interior of the bag . Look at the direction and slant of any signatures and the fabric. Check stitching and hardware (zippers, clasps).


Look for a serial number with a new designer bag and a receipt. While these items can be copied or reused, if absent it is a warning sign the designer bag is a fake. Also, expect a money-back guarantee or some type of assurance from a non-business seller, such as an escrow agreement or third-party authentication.


Don't overlook an informed employee of the original retailer to help determine whether a designer bag is a fake. It is in their best interest to ensure authenticity and reduce fraud, so they may be willing to help. Specific questions, an on site evaluation or photos may be requested. Another option is a person or business who authenticates designer bags as a profession.

Tips & Warnings

If the deal sounds too good to be true, it is 99.5 percent of the time.

Authentic high-end designer bags are typically not sold at a deep discount for any reason.

Other than the designer storefronts, only a few websites online sell authentic designer bags.