How to Tattoo a Hip

How to Tattoo a Hip

Hip tattoos are a very common choice for women. These tattoos are considered a sexy, yet painful modification to your body, but many find the discomfort well worth it. Once you've chosen your design and found the right

, tattooing your hip is a fairly simply process.


Find a good design for placement on the hip. The actual hip area is fairly small, so you will be limited on what type of design you can choose unless you don't mind it extending to other parts of your body. Small tattoos placed in between the hip bone and pelvis area or on the back of the hip just above the butt aren't uncommon and run the gambit on design choice.


Decide on placement. You can pick the front or back of the hip or the entire hip and then some. If you're going for something small such as a heart,


, butterfly, Kanji symbol, four leaf clover, Playboy bunny or any number of other customary design choices, you may decide to put it in one of the more common areas as listed in Step 1. However, if you're looking for something bigger and more intricate, then it may be placed over the entire hip region and then even extend either up onto the belly and rib cage, down onto the upper thigh and butt or both up and down the body.


Pick a size. Once you've made up your mind on design and where you want your tattoo, you'll pick an appropriate size. If it's an ornate design, it's obviously going to have to be larger than something like a simple, single heart or star.


Think about your personal pain tolerance. Tattoos on the hip can be one of the more painful areas to get new ink. This is especially true if the design is going to run directly over your protruding hip bone. Anytime areas without much fat or muscle to cushion the procedure from the bone below are involved, the discomfort level increases.


Follow aftercare regime. It's important to wear loose clothing during the healing process that won't rub and cause irritation in the tattooed area. This can present a challenge for hip tattoos where your pants will be coming into direct contact with the area. Try to wear the least restrictive clothing you can, such as dresses, during the healing process.

Tips & Warnings

Hip tattoos are a popular choice for women, but you will find some men with tattoos in this area as well, but theirs tend to go with larger pieces or even are part of a full body suit.

Each body is shaped differently with curves and valleys in various areas. A design that might look good on one person's hip may not be as flattering on someone with a completely different body style.

Some designs are geared more towards flat areas of the body and may not be as attractive when placed in a rounded area of the body.