How to Take Cascara Sagrada for Health

How to Take Cascara Sagrada for Health

Cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana) is Spanish for "sacred bark." It was probably named by Spanish priests who learned about it from Native Americans. Cascara sagrada is an American species of buckthorn found on the western coast of North America. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read about the historical uses of cascara sagrada. Although it was used by Native Americans as a laxative, it did not see widespread use for this purpose in Western medicine until 1877. A European relative, Rhamnus frangula, has been used as early as 1650, however.


Look at the results from modern scientific testing of cascara sagrada. It has been tested extensively and was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1978 as a safe and effective treatment of chronic constipation.


Prepare cascara sagrada for use by harvesting the bark in spring and summer. Age the bark for at least a year to reduce its effects because the fresh bark is too strong. The active ingredients in the bark are anthraquinones.


Study the side effects of cascara sagrada. High dosages can cause nausea and vomiting. Cramps and diarrhea also have been reported.


Take no more than the recommended dosage of 20 mg to 70 mg per day of cascara sagrada. It should not be taken by pregnant or nursing women. Cascara sagrada is also contraindicated for patients suffering from intestinal blockage and appendicitis and
less than 12 old.

How to Take Butcher's Broom for Health

How to Take Butcher's Broom for Health

Butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus) is also known as box holly and Jew's myrtle. It is a small shrub with leaf-like stems and green flowers that bloom in late winter. Butcher's broom is native to Europe and the Mediterranean. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read about the historical uses of butcher's broom. This plant is related to asparagus and the young shoots can be eaten. The roots have been taken medicinally for at least 2,000 years, primarily as a diuretic and laxative. It was also given to treat broken bones, gout, jaundice and kidney stones.


Look at the results from modern scientific testing of butcher's broom. The first animal trials were conducted in the 1950s and showed two compounds in the roots, ruscogenin and neurscogenin, to be vasoconstrictors.


Examine the subsequent clinical trials which showed a similar result in humans. However, the side effects have not studied enough for butcher's broom to be approved as a drug by the Food and Drug Administration.


Take no more than the recommended dosage of butcher's broom. The extract is typically taken in capsules of 1 g, three times per day for chronic venous insufficiency. The active ingredient for this effect is thought to be steroidal saponins.


Study the side effects of butcher's broom. Side effects are rare at the proper dosage, but nausea is occasionally encountered. Drug interactions of butcher's broom have not been well-studied.

How to Take Bilberry for Health

How to Take Bilberry for Health

Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is also known as whortleberry, blueberry, whinberry and huckleberry. It is not generally cultivated but grows wild, bearing fruit in the late summer. It is related to the blueberry and used to make jams, syrups and tarts. If taken medicinally, extract from the fruit should contain 25 percent anthocyanidin. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read about the historical uses of bilberry. Bilberry has been used medicinally at least since Elizabethan times for diarrhea and other stomach problems by mixing it with honey. The berries were also used to treat kidney stones, infections and scurvy, and the leaves were sometimes given to treat diabetes.


Look at the results of modern tests involving bilberry. Few scientific studies have been done on humans. The available data comes mostly from correlations with similar antioxidants and the limited animal studies that have been done.


Consider the uses of bilberry. Today, it is most often used in Europe to treat diarrhea and poor vein circulation.


Study the side effects of bilberry. Like many fruits, bilberry is generally safe to use, although the tannins in the berries could be toxic if taken in large quantity over a long period of time.


Take no more than the recommended dosage. The dosage for the extract is 80 to 120 mg twice per day and the dosage for the fruit is 5 to 10 g of crushed, dried bilberries in 150 ml of water as a tea.

How to Take Astragalus for Health

How to Take Astragalus for Health

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is commonly called milk vetch or huang qi. It is a member of the pea family and is native to northern China. This plant is used medicinally by drying the large yellow taproots of plants that are 4 to 7 years old. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read about the first known reference to astragalus. Shen Nung of China recommended its use around A.D. 100 for night sweats, fatigue, loss of appetite and diarrhea. It is often used with other herbs in traditional Chinese medicine to support the immune system, lower blood pressure and treat diabetes.


Consider the results from modern scientific testing. Some studies in the United States have shown astragalus speeds the recovery and extends the life expectancy of patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


Look at modern studies to see that no significant side effects have been found. However, the clinical trials of astragalus have been generally poor.


Take no more than the recommended dosage. Astragalus does not have significant dosage information in Western medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends 9 to 15 grams per day as a tea. A tincture of 3 to 5 ml three times per day also may be recommended.


Use caution when taking astragalus with other diuretics. It also may increase the effects of anti-viral medication, diabetes medication and blood pressure medication. Astragalus may counteract the effects of immune suppressants.

How to Take Agnus Castus for Health

How to Take Agnus Castus for Health

Agnus castus is commonly known as chaste berry or monk's pepper because the Greeks believed it reduced the sex drive. It is native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia and is now grown commercially in Albania and Morocco. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Collect and dry the reddish-brown or black fruits that grow on this densely branched shrub during the summer. This is the medically important part of the plant.


Study the traditional uses of agnus castus. The first recorded medical use of this plant was in the fourth century B.C. by Hippocrates, who prescribed it for disorders of the uterus.


Look at the results from modern scientific testing of agnus castus (known generically as Vitex.) The first scientific research was conducted in 1930 on this plant's effects on the female reproductive system. Some of the ingredients have been isolated, but no single component has been shown to have hormonal activity. Subsequent testing indicates agnus castus may be effective in the treatment of menstrual discomfort, particularly that associated with low progesterone levels.


Watch for side effects of agnus castus, even though it appears to be well tolerated. Large-scale studies have not shown side effects significantly above those of the placebo.


Take no more than the recommended dosage. The usual dosage is two tablets once per day of 280 mg Vitex extract. Vitex is slow acting and given for six months on average.

How to tie a bow on the back of a dress

How to tie a bow on the back of a dress

Dresses with bows in the back can be glamorous and beautiful for almost any occasion, from casual to formal. But how do you get the perfect bow when you have to tie behind your back?


Hold a strap in each of your hands.


Cross the left strap over the right strap, being sure to leave enough strap for you to hold onto.


Take the strap that is in your right hand (the left strap) and thread it through the hole between the crossed straps and the back of the dress. This should create a knot.


Holding the strap that you threaded in your right hand (the left strap), form a loop.


Cross the strap in your left hand over the looped strap, then thread the strap in your left hand through the looped strap in your right hand to create a bow. Tie the bow as loose or as tight as you want the bow to appear. If you want the bow to cling tightly to your dress, you will need to tighten the bow. If you want the bow to hang loose from the dress, tie a loose bow.

How to Test Gold from

How to Test Gold from

This is a step by step instructional guide to testing gold. Used by jewelers, pawn brokers and gold craftsman for years. Guaranteed to determine if an item is real or fake and the exact karat reading.

Things You'll Need:

Acid Test Kit


Gold testing stone

Gold Testing needles

Electronic Gold Tester

Selvyt polishing cloth


Gold is the most collected and sought after metal today.
Make sure the karat content is what is actually stamped on the piece!


Rub the piece of jewelry across a piece of unglazed porcelain tile. It should NOT make a black streak. If it does then it is pyrite. If the streak is golden yellow then it is gold.


Use a Moh's scale to determine the hardness. Gold has a hardness of 3.0 Glass is 5.0. It the glass scratches by the test piece it is NOT gold.


Hold a magnet near the piece of gold. If the magnet attracts the gold piece, then there are other metals mixed in the gold. This is not pure gold.


Purchase hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid. Place a small drop of acid onto the gold. If the gold begins to dissolve, then there is some other type of metal mixed with the gold and it is not pure.


Purchase a gold testing kit from Star Struck, LLC. Visit Star Struck, LLC for gold testers from leading brands such as RS MIZAR and Tri
. Gold Test Acid Solutions, Gold Test Needles, Gold Testing Stones, and a large selection of Jewelry Supplies.


Having the ability to test the purity of gold is important for anyone who is involved with buying or selling gold. A jewelry item that is stamped as 10k, 14k or 18k does not mean that it actually contains that type of gold. Many fake stamps exist in the gold market, particularly since gold jewelry has virtually no regulation or oversight. Sometimes a lower quality of gold will be stamped with a higher grade marking, or may not be gold at all, or simply plated. To protect yourself against this, it is important to test the purity of the gold. There are simple methods you can do at home without sending your gold away to an assayer's office.


All above Gold Testing kits & testers are
available from Star Struck LLC or by calling 1-800-243-6144.

Tips & Warnings

Always clean the piece of chemicals after testing.

Be careful when using acid.

Wear protective glasses.

How to Tell Real Pearls From Fake Pearls

How to Tell Real Pearls From Fake Pearls

How can you tell if pearls were made in an oyster or in a factory? This is very important to know if you're either buying that perfect anniversary gift or want to be known as a reputable dealer. While a certified jeweler can help in this matter, there are steps anyone can take to see if a pearl is real or fake.


Rub the pearl against your teeth. You may be able to tell this way as real pearls are supposedly rough while fakes are smooth. This is not the most reliable method as you can find smooth real pearls and rough fakes.


Hold the pearl up to the sunlight or very bright indoor lighting. You can check for variations in the pearl's color and tone. If it's perfect in its color and tone, it's very likely fake.


Look at the pearl through the magnifying glass. You should be able to see the ridges and irregularities of a real pearl, or the grainy smoothness of a fake.


Weigh the pearl. Real ones are usually heavier than fakes.


Test the warmth of the pearl. Resin and plastic pearls are often warm on first contact. Glass pearls take longer to warm in your hand than real ones.


Check the drill holes. Real pearls are drilled as small as possible to maintain their value, so fakes will often have larger holes. Also, the pearl surface, or nacre, will often flake off around the holes of fakes.


Check the pearl's shape. If it's a perfect sphere, it's likely a fake.

Tips & Warnings

Take the pearls to a certified professional. Do not rely on the salesman at the jewelry store.

You can always cut the pearl open to see its inside. Real pearls have multiple layers of nacre while fakes have one or two layers around a core. This is definitely not recommended as you will destroy the pearl.

None of these steps can definitely tell a real from a fake. There are always exceptions, such as real pearls that have been rounded and polished to increase their value.

How to Tell if a Friend Is Emo

How to Tell if a Friend Is Emo

In the close-knit world of emo youths, there is a lot of talk about who is really emo and who is a poser. Also, there are many people who worry that their friends are becoming too emo. Most of this is based on outward appearance and musical taste, but it can also allude to destructive behavior. Keep the telltale signs in mind when trying to spot someone who is emo.

Spot Someone Who Is Emo


Listen to the music your friend likes. The surefire way to tell whether someone is truly emo, and not a product of a style trend, is music. Emo music started with hardcore bands in the 1980s and has mutated into describing angst-filled bands.


Expect your emo friend to be moody--she doesn't feel understood.


Ask your friend to share his poetry, music or art. Most true emo kids express themselves in some creative way. Not only will you be able to tell the general mental state of your friend through sharing his art, but you may also become closer in the process.


Look for hair swept to one side, usually over an eye. Both emo girls and boys tend to wear their hair in asymmetrical layers, straightened in the front and shorter in the back. This varies from person to person, but the emo look is also quite mainstream.


Check your male friend's eyelids for makeup. Just like the Goths before them, the new breed of emo boys wears eyeliner and often has prettier hair than the girls.

Look for Emo Behavior That Should Worry You


Speak to your friend if she is acting depressed. If at anytime you feel as if your friend may hurt herself, you should encourage her to seek help. True depression needs to be treated, not disguised within an emo look.


Tell someone if you notice your friend has been cutting himself--a parent or school counselor. The media often portrays emo kids cutting themselves as part of the style, but in reality, most emo kids do not cut themselves. Cutting is not a true sign of being emo.


Look for signs that your friend is doing drugs heavily. Being emo doesn't mean you should start doing drugs. Remember that emo is a genre of music and the style that goes along with it, not a destructive lifestyle.

Tips & Warnings

Don't give in to stereotyping, as doing so can harm even the strongest of friendships.

How to Tell if a Designer Bag is Fake

How to Tell if a Designer Bag is Fake

Counterfeit designer bags are a multi-billion dollar business and the victims are not limited to the buyer and manufacturer. Monies gathered from this crime may be used for other criminal activity. A limited number of ways exist to ensure authenticity with 100 percent certainty, but these tips can help you better tell if a designer bag is fake or the real deal.

Things You'll Need:

Internet access or

Access to original designer bag

Camera (optional)


Know that it is legal to create a product that looks like a designer bag as long as no trademark violations, including the designer logo, are present and a proper representation exists. Ethical sellers will not price or pass these imitations off as originals but may state a product is “inspired by” a certain designer. Imitations such as these are easy to spot for the design and craftsmanship is visibly different.


Learn about the company behind the designer bag to more easily tell if a designer bag is fake. A couture bag claimed to be sold at a discounted price as a promotion, for example, may conflict with the designer's strict pricing policy. With a little background knowledge on the brand, inconsistencies will reveal themselves that eliminate the possibility that a designer handbag is authentic.


Examine a confirmed authentic designer bag at the store, optimally, and learn more through ads or photos and/or brand enthusiast forums. The information will help you more readily tell if a designer bag is fake. Yet, know that even longtime experts may be fooled when the craftsmanship is superior.


Carefully examine the designer bag. Be sure to confirm that the logo is an exact match, and there are no subtle or major changes exist with the interior of the bag . Look at the direction and slant of any signatures and the fabric. Check stitching and hardware (zippers, clasps).


Look for a serial number with a new designer bag and a receipt. While these items can be copied or reused, if absent it is a warning sign the designer bag is a fake. Also, expect a money-back guarantee or some type of assurance from a non-business seller, such as an escrow agreement or third-party authentication.


Don't overlook an informed employee of the original retailer to help determine whether a designer bag is a fake. It is in their best interest to ensure authenticity and reduce fraud, so they may be willing to help. Specific questions, an on site evaluation or photos may be requested. Another option is a person or business who authenticates designer bags as a profession.

Tips & Warnings

If the deal sounds too good to be true, it is 99.5 percent of the time.

Authentic high-end designer bags are typically not sold at a deep discount for any reason.

Other than the designer storefronts, only a few websites online sell authentic designer bags.

How to Tell a Diamond From Moissanite

How to Tell a Diamond From Moissanite

It's often said that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but now there's a solid contender on the market called moissanite. Originally a naturally occurring rare mineral, scientists recently produced a nearly perfect synthetic replica. Synthetic moissanite looks so similar to natural diamonds and shares a number of similar properties that even some jewelers can't tell them apart. Follow these steps to differentiate between the two.

Things You'll Need:


10X jeweler's loupe


Hold the stone up to your eye and shine a penlight through the stone. Moissanite has a double refractory, rainbow quality. A diamond exhibits a single, white refraction.


View the stone with a 10X jeweler's loupe. Examine it through the crown, underside facets, and then look at the stone's other side. With Moissanite, the other side's back facet edges appear doubled, like two parallel lines close together. A diamond doesn't appear double faceted.


Inspect the outer edge around the cut stone's crown, known as the girdle. Diamonds are infrequently polished. Moissanites always have polished girdles.


Obtain a GIA or EGL certification provided by the diamond's manufacturer. Purchase your stone from a reputable dealer, who not only has a genuine diamond certification but also a certified Moissanite from the manufacturer.

Tips & Warnings

Moissanite has extremely similar qualities of brilliance, heat conduction and hardness as diamonds.

Moissanite isn't comparable to a cubic zirconia, which is a much cheaper diamond stimulant to a natural diamond.

Compared to other gemstones, Moissanite has a far superior brilliance, with close to 2 1/2 times of a diamond's fire.

Beware of vendor fraud, particularly on the Internet, as many online dealers try to pass off Moissanite as genuine diamonds.

How to Tattoo a Hip

How to Tattoo a Hip

Hip tattoos are a very common choice for women. These tattoos are considered a sexy, yet painful modification to your body, but many find the discomfort well worth it. Once you've chosen your design and found the right

, tattooing your hip is a fairly simply process.


Find a good design for placement on the hip. The actual hip area is fairly small, so you will be limited on what type of design you can choose unless you don't mind it extending to other parts of your body. Small tattoos placed in between the hip bone and pelvis area or on the back of the hip just above the butt aren't uncommon and run the gambit on design choice.


Decide on placement. You can pick the front or back of the hip or the entire hip and then some. If you're going for something small such as a heart,


, butterfly, Kanji symbol, four leaf clover, Playboy bunny or any number of other customary design choices, you may decide to put it in one of the more common areas as listed in Step 1. However, if you're looking for something bigger and more intricate, then it may be placed over the entire hip region and then even extend either up onto the belly and rib cage, down onto the upper thigh and butt or both up and down the body.


Pick a size. Once you've made up your mind on design and where you want your tattoo, you'll pick an appropriate size. If it's an ornate design, it's obviously going to have to be larger than something like a simple, single heart or star.


Think about your personal pain tolerance. Tattoos on the hip can be one of the more painful areas to get new ink. This is especially true if the design is going to run directly over your protruding hip bone. Anytime areas without much fat or muscle to cushion the procedure from the bone below are involved, the discomfort level increases.


Follow aftercare regime. It's important to wear loose clothing during the healing process that won't rub and cause irritation in the tattooed area. This can present a challenge for hip tattoos where your pants will be coming into direct contact with the area. Try to wear the least restrictive clothing you can, such as dresses, during the healing process.

Tips & Warnings

Hip tattoos are a popular choice for women, but you will find some men with tattoos in this area as well, but theirs tend to go with larger pieces or even are part of a full body suit.

Each body is shaped differently with curves and valleys in various areas. A design that might look good on one person's hip may not be as flattering on someone with a completely different body style.

Some designs are geared more towards flat areas of the body and may not be as attractive when placed in a rounded area of the body.

How to Tattoo a Butt

How to Tattoo a Butt

What better place to hide a tattoo that right on your derriere? Most people agree that getting a tattoo on your butt is fairly painless and easy to accomplish.


Think about placement. You may decide to put it towards the top of your butt, so that it peeks out when wearing low-rise jeans or position it lower so that it is only seen by a select audience. The size of the tattoo will be determined by, pardon us, the size of your butt.


Choose a design. This step goes hand-in-hand with the size issue. The type of tattoo you're wanting will greatly affect the design you choose and the design you choose will help determine the size required for the piece.


Determine size. How much space do you want to cover? If you're working on getting a full body suit, then you're probably looking at something that will cover a large portion or even all of your butt. Or, you might be looking for something more like a cute little heart to share with that special someone.


Factor in the tickle effect. Many people who've gotten butt tattoos are surprised they aren't that painful and even more surprised when they find themselves giggling. For whatever reason, it's not uncommon to find getting a tattoo in this spot to be a bit ticklish.


Consider the sag issue. The effects of time, unfortunately, have an effect on a person's body. The butt is one of those areas that sometimes catches the brunt of the aging process. If your butt sags too much, that rose on your left cheek might look like it's wilting.


Follow your aftercare regime. It's important to keep fresh tattoos moist while healing and to refrain from wearing tight clothing or items that will rub your new ink. This can be a challenge when your new body art is located on your butt. Ask your

if there's any special aftercare instructions he suggests to keep butt tattoos looking good.


Be prepared for a touch up. Depending on where on the butt your tattoo is located, especially those areas you directly sit on, you may irritate your fresh ink and cause some scabbing and color loss. Don't be surprised if you need a touch up if your tattoo is on the lower portion of your backside.

Tips & Warnings

If you're uncomfortable having visible tattoos, a tattoo on your backside is the best of both worlds. You can still get a tattoo and nobody will ever see it, unless you want them to.

Although more common for women, there are plenty of men out there also sporting a butt tattoo.

Don't be offended if your tattoo artist shaves your backside before beginning. This doesn't mean you have a hairy butt; there are fine hairs all over a person's body, and the artist must remove them before starting.

If you must pass gas while you're getting your tattoo, warn the artist. Avoid eating any gaseous foods before your appointment.